Rose Hills, that is.
Well, after striking out on an accident that happened at 4:30 am, I drove around for a while and got to Rose Hills Memorial Park because I saw a bunch of deer in an accesible area, so I decided to see if I could photo these guys. Well, one had a busted leg but nothing special. On my way out, something told me to go around an area where there is not much traffic and BAM! A virtual flood was going on. Check out my video below.

According to the reporter who went there, Rose Hills officials told him that a sprinkler head "malfunctioned" and three graves had gotten wet. Between you and me, an employee told me that there had been a 4" concrete pipe that broke and they had to fix it now. Now, one one hand, sprinkler malfunction and on the other a broken 4" concrete water pipe. Who do you believe, the PR person or the employee on scene?
Well, bubbling water like there was no tomorrow and the actual video of some 30 graves under water tells you the real story. After a while, the water was turned off and work began on fixing it, but a few hours after turning the water off, in the early afternoon, there was still run off going down the drain. Let's hope the water did not get too far down.
Until next time, keep shooting.
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