If it's November and you're in Pomona... it's NHRA time!
Yes folks, this is one of my faves. Here is Tony Pedregon heading down the 1/4 mile track at some 311 MPHs... (Miles per Hour!), and that was only good for 7th place today!

Ashley Force burning out during her first go at the straight-away.

Terry Haddock, in the 2006 Race Girl Monte Carlo Funny Car spits flames out of the exhaust pipes while heading down the black-top, Yikes!

This is Angelle Sampey, on her 2003 Suzuki, just before setting a new track record on the quarter-mile track in 6.973 seconds.

Getting to go out there with the smell of burnt rubber, nitro fuel and drunk people just can't be topped. Best of all, everyone has access to "backstage," or as they call it, the pit. Yes, the 43rd annual NHRA Auto Club Finals is here and will continue until Sunday, so you have no excuse to go check it out.
Getting to meet the best of the best, the legends and legends-to-be can't be topped by any other sport. Here is dedicated dad John Force keeping an eye on his girl Ashley even though he should be kicking back in his trailer. Where else can you see the drivers and mechanics building their engines from the ground up, and all for the price of admission! I also got to do a video of Tony Pedregon showing off his trailer and of his crew getting the Q-Racing Impala ready for the first day of qualifying.
Until next time, keep shooting